
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day Brunch!

The Emily's hosted a dynamic Mother's Day event today and the weather held up perfectly.  While mama's enjoyed the warm sunshine and company on Emily MS's deck, the babes played at Emily N's home with their dutiful dads.  Some even made lovely cards for their beloved moms!

There were more then enough goodies to go around and the table was overflowing.  Mimosas were enjoyed along with the companionship of our fellow moms who help us in so many ways to celebrate and survive motherhood.  

As usual the time flew by and one by one we returned to the real world but were certainly refreshed, enthused, and full of warm fuzziness.

Many thanks to Emily MS and Emily N for their wonderful orchestration and hosting.  And of course Happy Mothers Day to the Moms Who Play- you put your hearts into everyday and make it look so easy!

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