
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

DIY essential oil hand sanitizing spray

Today I had the joy of hosting a group of mama's to make our own little spray bottles to fight germs chem free.  My limited instruction was to add water, aloe gel, 10 drops lemon, and 2 of everything else. This is why I do not bake: I am too relaxed about recipes.  But I think it's the gist of the recipe from the video I followed: (this video is Dr. Rosen's kids making the sanitizer they keep in the office.  I found this video when I was looking for a pediatrician and stopped looking after I found it ;)
Everyone enjoyed the delightful aromas as we mixed up germ fighting potions while the kids gave my homemade toys a run for their money. One duct tomato bit the dust but the drawing station was a hit and all crayons are accounted for.

Thanks to all the ladies and kiddos that made our morning so fun filled and action  packed. 

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