
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Food Playdate: Let's go Vegan!

Wendy, a veteran vegan, hosted us to take a taste of foods with no animal origin.  The results were varied and delicious and we did not miss meat or dairy at all!  We munched on vegan mac & cheese, risotto stuffed mushrooms, black bean cilantro hummus, black bean & sweet potato kale chip nachos, chickpea wat and followed up with some amazing desserts: coconut cream pie and almond sunbutter cups.  I ate to my hearts content and basked in the camaraderie as everyone helped each other get things in and out of the oven, scooped up children, and chatted along the way.  It might have been cold outside but it was all warm and fuzzy inside! Thanks to Wendy for sharing her knowledge, kitchen, and totally kid friendly living space with all of us!

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