
Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween party 2013

Emily and Davy hosted us for a memorable Halloween party this year.  To accompany her yummy chili, some snack favorites were sweet potato brownies, candied bacon and more!  I brought along a kiddie pool filled with dry corn that was a Halloween hoot for all. As the corn got spread further and further around Emily's screened in porch, many little ones became helpers and turned our fiesta into a "sweeping party!"  Another highlight was an impromptu parade to the school next door where the older kids and teachers oohed and ahhed over our adorable costumed kiddies. 
Hey look it's Elmo, a construction worker, and a lion in a corn pool.

Gio's awesome homemade monster costume and Charlie dressed as his mom for halloween.

Sweeping Party go!

Gotta love babes cleaning.

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