
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Teething necklaces

A few weeks back I had the pleasure of hosting a beading party to make teething necklaces with wooden beads. Everyone enjoyed snacks and good company while working to get our creativity going.  The results were fabulously colorful creations for our teething tots to chomp on.  I know my little one loves when I wear mine and I even get compliments on it as if were real jewelry! 

Turkey Day Delights: Favorite Foods

There are many traditional foods that show up on the Thankgiving table that lots of us look forward to each year.  For me it was always stuffing and cranberry sauce and I can't wait to see what my little one's favorite will be!  Anyone else looking forward to their baby's first (or second, third, etc) thanksgiving?

What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? free polls 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Harvest & Holiday update: How we're celebrating so far!

It's that time of year again! No matter what your beliefs might be, everyone has memories of the holidays and what they mean.  As moms, we have the challenge of carrying on the traditions we like, forgoing the ones we don't, and creating new ones that fit our little ones personalities along with our life styles.  Here's some of the things we've been doing to celebrate the holidays and get in the spirit.

Julie HR has hosted some harvest inspired crafting with leaf rubbing*, corn cob wreath making*, and coming up next, the group with make hand print's representing one of Columbus's ships. Can't wait to see Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria painty digit ships!!

Also, we collected food goods at BIG Play Thursday to donate to Human Needs Food Pantry in Montclair.  I will be making the drop off this Tuesday and will post more details about what to bring for the December BIG Play food drive.

Those who celebrate advent will remember the joy of opening tiny doors to eat chocolates each day as the days counted down to Christmas.  Emily MS is hosting a handmade advent calender that will be just in time for December 1st.  Looks like it will be a festive way to reuse toilet paper rolls and let the count down begin!

*If anyone has photos from these events, I'd love to post them!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November's B.I.G. Play Thursday!

Today was our second indoor B.I.G. play T.hursday! Loving (and living) our acronyms, there were lots of Babies Interacting and Growing Together. Mama's and babies alike were riding, pushing, crawling, chatting, and enjoying the roominess of the gym.  As the season changes, and the weather turns cold we are all grateful to have a big space to run around! 

Last month we all enjoyed "big rigs" (anything with wheels that can go vrrrrm!) that it was brought back as the theme for this month too along with tents and tubes to crawl through. So far everyone has done an excellent job of utilizing  such a big space!

Next month our celebration of things with wheels continues and we'll be adding cardboard boxes to the mix! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween party 2013

Emily and Davy hosted us for a memorable Halloween party this year.  To accompany her yummy chili, some snack favorites were sweet potato brownies, candied bacon and more!  I brought along a kiddie pool filled with dry corn that was a Halloween hoot for all. As the corn got spread further and further around Emily's screened in porch, many little ones became helpers and turned our fiesta into a "sweeping party!"  Another highlight was an impromptu parade to the school next door where the older kids and teachers oohed and ahhed over our adorable costumed kiddies. 
Hey look it's Elmo, a construction worker, and a lion in a corn pool.

Gio's awesome homemade monster costume and Charlie dressed as his mom for halloween.

Sweeping Party go!

Gotta love babes cleaning.