
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

DIY essential oil hand sanitizing spray

Today I had the joy of hosting a group of mama's to make our own little spray bottles to fight germs chem free.  My limited instruction was to add water, aloe gel, 10 drops lemon, and 2 of everything else. This is why I do not bake: I am too relaxed about recipes.  But I think it's the gist of the recipe from the video I followed: (this video is Dr. Rosen's kids making the sanitizer they keep in the office.  I found this video when I was looking for a pediatrician and stopped looking after I found it ;)
Everyone enjoyed the delightful aromas as we mixed up germ fighting potions while the kids gave my homemade toys a run for their money. One duct tomato bit the dust but the drawing station was a hit and all crayons are accounted for.

Thanks to all the ladies and kiddos that made our morning so fun filled and action  packed. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 2014 Cooking Play Date: Indian Food!

Suzanne hosted another epic event that was from top to bottom fun filled and exciting!  Her kitchen was open and full of busy hands as she instructed us on how to prepare traditional homemade Indian food.  There were so many oohs and aahs as we marveled over the exotic tastes and tried to pronounce unfamiliar words.  I did my best to label the dishes because I am sure many of us would like to have these scrumptious foods again.  Things started with salad and samosas.  For a few minutes it was hard to look around without seeing a toddler playing while chomping a samosa, way to be food adventurers little ones! Then one by one the dishes hit the table and were devoured on contact.

I had the honor, along with Sarah and Patricia, of wearing a gorgeous sari.  Suzanne taught me how to find the beginning, wrap, pleat, and wear the bead covered garment that made my inner girly girl giggle with glee. 

Besides lots of darling playing by the little ones, we got to me some of our youngest additions as Wendy, Marie, and Katie were able to join us.  It was wonderful to see these beaming and beautiful mamas out and about with their tiny new nurslings.

As usual many of us rolled away with full tummies and a feeling of inspiration, not only from the preparation of new foods but with the real love and good feelings that is always abundant at our group get togethers.