Sunday, December 15, 2013
Babies the Movie
I am a movie buff. More specifically a movie lover and very picky movie watcher. "Babies" is a documentary made about four children in their first year of life all around the world. It's amazing to see how culture and environment differ and yet, so many milestones and experiences are the same. I hope to host another showing of this film because I love it so much!
All about trains playdate!
Long before I became a mommy, I knew I wanted to get an awesome wooden track set and the magnetic trains. Dreams come true folks, I found an entire set at a yard sale with lots of track, trains, and accessories. Of course the best way to celebrate is to invite over some pals to lay down some track. Little did I know I was inviting some real experts! We had a great time sending those locamotives round and round. Another highlight for me was when I was asked for an impromptu ukelele concert and got to play for people for the first time. Did "Old MacDonald" have a train?
Pregnancy Facts Throughout the Group
Emily started a great chain of group members posting about their pregnancies.
Each person was given a number and had to list facts about their
pregnancies. So many of us revealed
amazing things about our personal lives.
Even though the facts were all pregnancy related, overall it seemed to
provide an opportunity for us to share intimate and interesting details about ourselves,
and in turn, get to know one another better.
Here is what each lady chose to reveal about herself:
1. I
walked 2 miles a day throughout my whole pregnancy with Davy.
I've never had any specific cravings. But I did have a love affair with any and
all food during my 2nd trimester. Food never tasted so good!
For the last week and a half of my pregnancy we lived in an empty house and had
to rely on the kindness of friends and gift cards for food.
4. I
never had any morning sickness during my first pregnancy... but this pregnancy,
I puke if I drink water too fast.
Everyone predicted I was having a girl. Seriously, not a single person guessed
a boy. But Davy is all boy, for sure!
6. I
never had any Braxton Hicks contractions.
7. I
labored for 5 and a half hours and pushed for an hour and a half.
8. I
was super hoping to have Davy on my birthday (July 2) but ended up having him
on my grandfather's birthday... so he shares a birthday and a name with his
great grandfather.
Sullivan Harmon
We struggled with "unexplained infertility" & worked with 2
fertility clinics in NYC before finally conceiving Clare. Things were much
easier this 2nd time around!!
I was named after my gramma Kate, and Clare is named after the county in
Ireland she was born in. We're trying to come up with something meaningful like
that for this next baby, but so far no luck:/
I stopped gaining weight & my fundal height stopped growing around 35 wks
with Clare, so we had to go for weekly NST to check for IUGR. Everything was
always fine, and Clare was born just under 7 lbs the day after my due date
I labored for about 28 hr at home with contractions around 4 min apart and
finally went in when the spotting I'd been having all day turned to bleeding
all over our (light beige, of course) couch. Due to the bleeding I risked out
of my planned birth center delivery & was already 9 cm when they checked me
at the hospital
I danced around 9 cm for another 10 hrs meaning I was in transition for a VERY
VERY LONG TIME but still managed the natural birth we planned on:)
Because I was in transition for so long, my OB broke my water to help things
move along then left to do a csection assuming I'd take another hour at a
minimum. Clare descended immediately, so hubby had to scramble to find someone
to catch the baby, and ended up dragging in a med student who got grossed out
when I pooped on the table (yes, I pooped). Clare was born about 20 min after
my OB walked out.
I'm planning a home birth for this pregnancy, but found out I have marginal
previa, so I'll need to go back for another scan at 36 wks to make sure my
placenta has moved far enough away
I went through my 1st pregnancy with the girl I sat next to at work, and we
delivered the same day 4 hrs apart! I'm going through this 2nd pregnancy with
another girl in our group, and we're due the same day!
Even though we had been trying since we got married, I had NO idea I was
pregnant. I thought the violent throwing up was a stomach bug (the kids I was
nannying for had it), the lower backache was because my sister had jumped on my
back, and my sore boobs were because my period was on its way. A few at home
pregnancy tests came back negative, so it was a real DUH moment when we were in
the ER because I couldn't keep a sip of water down for 2 days...and they told
us we were pregnant! We left the ER with huge smiles and our first ultrasound
pictures of our sweet girl! I was about 7 weeks already! Oh yea, and I felt
completely better!
Aside from the initial throwing up, my pregnancy was the easiest, most
beautiful, and enjoyable thing I've ever done! I would've gladly stayed
pregnant another year...can't wait for my next pregnancies!
We decided not to find out her sex until she was born. Best surprise ever! I
knew she was a girl, everyone else thought boy..especially Tino who still says
he didn't believe the doctor and triple checked between the baby's legs.
5) We
also didn't tell friends or family our name choices. I decided when I was 12
that my first daughter would be named Penelope. I thought it was such a
beautiful and unique name. Imagine how pissed off I was when a few weeks before
mine was born, Kourtney Kardashian had a baby girl Penelope. Do you know how
many people have asked me if that's where I got her name?! I did write it in
her baby books months before Penelope Disick was born, so there's proof! Oh yea
and her middle name is Jayne, which was my Mommy's middle name.
4) I
didn't have any cravings except for milk..which normally grosses me out. I
drank a huge glass every single night, I guess we needed the calcium? Penelope
must have strong bones!
The day my labor began, I had just gotten a fresh mani/pedi (I used OPI's
"Kiss the Bride", which is the color I wore on our wedding day) it's
a very pale pink, which family later thought I chose because I knew she was a
girl. I just chose it because it was pretty and had special meaning!
After my mani/pedi, Tino and I interviewed our now pediatrician, both were
showered, packed and we ate between contractions "Thanksgiving
dinner" leftovers from earlier in the week (in August lol). Ironically, we
conceived Penelope either the day of or day after Thanksgiving. Tino always
gives turkey a lot of credit
labor went from 0-60 in a few hours! I went from hm, I'm not feeling so great,
I think this is contractions are really my
precious girl with my doctor in normal clothes sitting at the end of my bed. In
our birth video my ob says "Well that was fast, I didn't even have time to
suit up!"
1. I
love being pregnant
Logan was breech until 35.5 weeks. then had an internal version- he flipped. It
didn't hurt like people said it would and I had so much more room to breath!
3. I
practiced yoga through my whole pregnancy and did my last restorative class 3
days before it all happened.
My water broke at 11pm on Tuesday night
5. I
started a homeopathic remedy Wednesday night that wasn't happening like it
should have. Got a good nights sleep... Then started it up again at 5am
Thursday. My contractions started at 11am.
Logan was born in his room at 3:30am on Friday morning!
7. I
first heard the name Logan at a Yankee game Guy and I went to, then Guy told me
his mother was born in Logan West Virginia. The name was set.
10 days prior to my water breaking Guy had come down with pneumonia only
feeling better about 24 hours before it all started. I had to take complete
care of him and me. Hopefully this time around I can relax and Guy will be
taking care of me.
Silas was totally unplanned and I actually had my period when he was conceived
during major partying for 3 days of Phish concerts in Atlantic City.
2) I
thankfully totally quit partying right after that weekend on my own like some
divine miracle.
3) Rob
moved out 2 or 3 times in the beginning of my pregnancy because my hormones
were making me a raving freakin lunatic!
4) I
bartended full time at a country club for 7 months of my pregnancy until they
moved my huge prego ass into a security gate house position for my last weeks
of employment. (My last night bartending I worked 14.5 hrs straight with no
break!) I also ended up taking my maternity leave an extra week early which was
great cuz Silas came a week early as well.
5) I
went to 13 Phish concerts while prego including one on the 4th of July 23 days
before going into labor. That night Rob drove home afterwards but it was too
foggy to see through the crazy mountains of NY so I ended up sleeping in the
back of our Saturn. Man that sucked!
6) I
was probably in the best shape of my life while pregnant since I was so
determined to have a home birth I walked everyday, did yoga, meditated, and
hiked to various swimming holes to cool off during the intense summer heat. (I
even walked late at night the nights I was bartending.)
My legs which are normally like chicken legs looked like sausages and my feet
hurt so bad even with compression socks.
pretty much knew all along we we were having a boy and didn't even pick out a
girls name till 7.5 months in but had Silas picked out almost from the get go.
Pasquariello Reedell
1. I
switched doctors/midwives 3x while pregnant with Axel. First, I was with a
regular OB-GYN. Then, I was with a midwife planning to deliver in a hospital.
Finally, I switched to Jessica Lawlor around 7 months and had a home-birth.
With this birth, I've been with Jessica since the beginning.
At 38 weeks, I gained a birth tub and doula (in training) for free. I ended not
using either very much (although setting up the birth tub was a great early
labor distraction for my husband).
In the 3rd trimester, I was swollen all over, especially my feet. I exchanged
wearing my wedding ring for not-so-fashionable compression stockings. Whenever
possible, I would sit on the couch with my feet up. I don't think I'll have
that luxury this time!
4. I
labored for about 10 hours and pushed for about 4. My water did not break until
minutes before birthing Axel.
Axel is named after his great Swedish grandfather, who only met his son (Axel's
grandpa) once and then died in Italy in WWI. My husband and I have an affinity
for bicycles. So, Axel is also named after the part of the bicycle that is at
the center of every wheel and enables everything to spin and move.
6. I
rode my bicycle for commuting and fun throughout my entire pregnancy and have
so far during this one, too.
It took about 8 months to conceive Axel and about 8 days to conceive baby #2.
My husband loves being pregnant (maybe more than me). He jumps at the chance to
make nourishment tea and take absurdly long baths.
Riley Goring
1) my
husband I tried to conceive for about 5 months, then decided we should wait
then bang! Chayton was a Christmas lovin baby, and my husband swears he knows
the exact moment of conception lol.
2) I
took an early pregnancy test on New Year's Eve just to see before we went out
partying. After staring at the stick for a minute I threw it in the garbage and
for whatever reason checked it again a few hours later to see a faint pink
second line. It was a boring New Years that year, but the anniversary of our first
date so very special
3) I
had a very easy pregnancy, no morning sickness or swelled feet, although real
bad Charlie horses in my calves. Only craving was grapefruit.
4) I
knew before I was even pregnant that my first would be a boy and we had our
name picked out before we found out at the 20 week ultrasound
at first I was very active in my pregnancy walking four miles twice a day which
turned into me not even being able to make it to the end of my driveway (in my
defense was a 1/4 mile along)
it was the hottest summer in the north country part of New York, where we
lived, in over a hundred years and we had no ac.
chayton was frank breached and suppose to be a scheduled c section, so we did
our paperwork and blood work at the hospital to prepare and had a dr apt the
same day where I had mentioned I had some cramping but dr never checked my
cervix, I realized I was in labor around 3am that night, the same night hubby
chose to take 2 Tylenol pm at 12am. It was also a blue moon the following day.
hated having a c section and being poked and prodded at in a rush and had a
melt down, but in the end worth it. Being franked breached, chayton couldn't
put his legs down for about a week and was stuck in a v shape. They couldn't
get an accurate length bc everytime they tried to put his feet down his upper
body would pop forward and he teeter tottered the whole time.
I became a mom for the first time at age 40!
Because of my age, I didn't think it would be as easy to get pregnant. I missed
my period. I thought," You've been under so much stress because of the
move." While out for a run one day, I had to run into the woods to throw
up. "You're pushing yourself too hard in the heat," I told myself. A
few days later I nearly fainted in the elevator. "Low blood sugar," I
thought. While getting dressed one day I thought to myself, "Hmmm, why are
my normally pink nipples looking so dark?" A few days later I got into the
shower and the water felt like razors on my boobies!!! I walked to the drug
store to buy a test with wet hair. Ha ha ha!
up Catholic in a very strict home and trying to avoid pregnancy for so long, it
felt a litte "naughty" when I first peed on the stick and got a
travelled to India for 5 weeks during my first Trimester. I had morning
sickness terribly and could not tolerate Indian food! I lived on homemade
chicken soup and corn flakes.
All my life I have struggled with body image and in fact struggled in my early
20's with anorexia. I gained 47lbs with my pregnancy and have never felt more
beautiful in my life!
My husband was the so doting and loving while I was pregnant. I loved the extra
attention and knew I would miss it after the baby came.
I had a completely med free all natural birth using the Hypnobirthing
technique. It was highly effective! I labored at home and arrived at the
hospital 10 cm!
I knew I wanted to have an all natural birth with delayed cord cutting. I chose
an OB practice based on a referral of someone in my building since I had just
moved and had no idea where to go. The practice had 5 doctors and I saw each of
them going over my birth plan in detail. Most just nodded their head and smiled
and in my gut I knew they weren't the right fit but I just didn't know where
else to go! Even with all my plans, preparations and discussion, I had a very
traumatic birth where I was abused by my OB. She was actually yelling and
argued every point of my birth plan even though my labor and delivery were
perfectly normal and healthy. It left a deep and lasting scar on me. So much so
that I did not see a doctor AT ALL after delivering until my son was almost 5
months old!! I still cry that my son was caught by someone so nasty and cold.
My son's name is Armaan which in Hindi means "Wish or Desire."
1. I
KNEW in my heart the night Alisha was conceived.
Emilie was a TOTAL *surprise*! We were 6 weeks away from going to India to
consider adoption.
Our confirmation of pregnancy with Alisha came from a test while I was in the
hospital passing a kidney stone....we got the "there is an abnormality - a
"cyst" on your ovary, please follow - up with your obgyn" talk!
No ice cream n pickles cravings for me with A...only pickles...5 bulk jars
5. I
HAD to have a grapefruit every night pregnant w A.
6. I
took a picture of a jar of PREGO sauce and posted it to tell FAMILY AND FRIENDS
we were pregnant with Emilie.
Both of my angels preferred to be breech in utero until the very end! And then
they flipped!
Alisha and I encountered medical problems during her birth (dangerously low
heart rates) & they advised us to do an emergency c - section EIGHT minutes
later from the time we made the decision we heard the time announcement
followed by her cries!
My first wave of morning sickness ended up as night sickness!...we had just
finished a posh Chinese dinner and I was in the car with Sachin's aunt and she
had to order the driver to pull over. I tossed my entire meal on the side of
the road in Delhi India while his aunt held my hair and passed me tissues.
Apparently my body knew it was morning time in the USA!!
Emilie had the perfect latch for nursing...but she had such an amazingly strong
suction that she made me cry from how sore my nipples got...until the nurse
introduced me to soothies. B.E.S.T. invention ever!! I seriously might have
caved if it weren't for those miraculous things!!!
#11: 9 months pregnant with Em I caught my flip flops on an uneven sidewalk,
tripped and fell...As I was falling belly first, all I could think was
"try to turn to your backside to protect the baby." ..made it to my
left side only and bruised my leg, thigh, butt n hip!
1. I
started trying to conceive at the same time as two friends. Both of them were
pregnant quickly and had baby girls named Emily in March, the month I got
The day the test said positive, for an hour I walked around beaming and I
couldn't feel my body from the waist down. Dave was in his office then but at
breakfast he said,"did you take a test?" I said yes then he said
"was it negative?" And I said no. He shed a little tear. We were so
happy and relieved.
3. I
loved being pregnant! I loved watching my belly grow and I felt very beautiful
and grateful to be experiencing building life. I was an avid birth story &
pregnancy researcher.
Owen was head down throughout his time which made me think he was ready to go,
he was not and hung on to 42 weeks cancelling my planned home birth and coming
on my birthday.
5. I
lost all concept of time during labor and it didn't return for months. I feel
like I labored for a few hours and pushed for one. It was actually 24.
Practicing prenatal yoga and meditation kept me in a nice calm place and I
never noticed any of the drama.
My mom was here for an entire month before Owen was born and only 2 weeks after
because he was so late. She and Dave played words with friends relentlessly and
bonded which was great because during my labor they needed each other.
7. I
had taken castor oil and every homeopathic trick to start labor and wretched my
guts out so once Owen was born it was very difficult to get nursing going as it
took my body a couple days to get functioning again.
8. I
pushed in a labor pool and that was the best. Dave was so into my contractions
at one point he almost fell in. At the last minute I was told to get out if the
pool with Owen's head already out. Owen was stuck and was delivered with me on
all fours and whisked away to a near by table for resuscitation etc. I was
yelling to them, "is it a boy? I think I saw a penis."
My obsession with nutrition started during pregnancy and resulted in huge
healthy placenta that got Owen through what was a difficult labor for him.
Even though getting pregnant was a total, shock, I knew I was
pregnant within 3 days. They say some women can feel when the fertilized egg
implants itself and it turns out I'm one of those women.
2. I
was 8 weeks pregnant when Morgan and I eloped in Las Vegas, and 16 weeks
pregnant on my honeymoon.
On our honeymoon I started feeling Addie move a lot, especially the night we
went to see an Elton John impersonator. I tell her that Bennie and the Jets was
the first song she ever danced to.
4. I
was involved in 2 car accidents when I was in my 3rd trimester. My belly hit
the steering wheel in the second accident and I was rushed to the hospital. The
paramedic begged me to not give birth in his ambulance.
My ob accidentally broke my water 2 weeks before my due date. I had to be
induced with Cervidil which I had a horrific allergic reaction to, and which
made Addie's heart rate become scarily abnormal right before birth.
My husband put acupuncture needles in my face to help ease the pain of
Addie was born so quickly after I received my dose of Cervidil that the nurses
didn't believe me that she was coming. They had even offered me an ambien not
15 minutes before. I kept saying I think she is coming and when the finally
looked her head was crowning! We didn't even have time to turn the tv off so
South Park, my least favorite show ever, was on TV during birth.
one more for good luck: my OB was 8 months pregnant with her daughter when she
delivered Addie. Addie and her daughter now have playdates together!
1. I
tried like a crazy person to get pregnant the first time... keeping a calendar,
taking temperatures, using fertility test strips, sitting with my entire lower
body in the air after every time we had sex for 20+ minutes. This lasted for
about 7 months before I decided I had to stop being like that. The first month
I stopped "trying" like that I got pregnant! It's amazing what
releasing stress will do!
2. I
would consider my pregnancy pretty "normal." Sick and tired in the
first trimester (never threw up). Energetic and glowing in the second
trimester. Uncomfortable and ready to "get this child out" by the end
of the third.
3. I
am insanely hormonal when pregnant. I have an opinion about EVERYTHING and I
must let it be known to all who have ears. I mean I'm somewhat like this
normally but while pregnant any emotion I experience is multiplied by 10. It's
really quite exhausting.
With Anikan I got terrible rash called PUPPS in the middle of my 8th month.
Towards the end I was unable to sleep at all. I showered 5+ times every night
(and several times throughout the day) because Grandpas Pine Tar soap would
relieve the symptoms for up to 10 minutes. It was so unbearable I induced two
days before I was due. The rash stopped itching as soon as labor started and I
had a beautiful natural birth! (I delivered Maverick after the point at which
my rash started with Anikan so I'm guessing I wouldn't have gotten it.)
With Anikan I had no real cravings but a serious meat aversion. I couldn't look
at a burger on TV or be near the smell without nearly throwing up. I couldn't
even handle other people eating meat around me.
6. I
didn't have many cravings but one day while pregnant with Maverick I suddenly
decided I NEEDED Oreos so badly I started crying from the extreme emotion
associated with the feeling. It was a really weird, intense experience. Steve
ran out and bought two packages. I ate the entire first package between that
night and the next day. The second sat on the shelf for months because I wanted
no part of Oreos anymore.... I couldn't have forced them down.
7. I
enjoyed most of my labor with Anikan. I was not nearly as prepared as I think I
should have been but somehow I was able to really become aware of my body and
the feeling of control over what was happening with me and my baby was
thrilling. I actually embraced the feeling of every contraction seeing it more
like an "experience" than "pain." .... Until transition,
when I lost my mind and started screaming "GET RACHEL, GET RACHEL! I CAN'T
DO THIS!" (Rachel was my midwife). She was able to calm me down by putting
me in the shower and I "got through" the rest of my labor. I'm hoping
that next time I can keep the mindset I was in for the first 5 hours and not
lose it like I did for the last 2.
With Maverick (still born just before 9 months gestation) my family bombarded
my room (as you can imagine). I was heavily heavily medicated and almost felt
like I wasn't really there. Although it was very much a tragedy there is still
a part of me that holds on to the memories of the experience because my
pregnancy with him and the delivery is really all I have.
9. I
absolutely love being pregnant even though I'm not one of the lucky few that
have it easy. I get huge, I swell, everything hurts, I can't sleep, I feel sick,
I'm exhausted, and insanely moody but it doesn't stop me from wanting to do it
again and again and again!
1. I
was on annual training for the Coast Guard when I started not feeling well.
EVERYONE knew this was not normal for me. I continued working out, running,
tactical and weapons training and even getting shot with simunitions.
2. I
went to my Grandma's doctor because I only had been seeing military doctors. He
prepared me for a catscan for appendicitis and he told me OH NO YOU HAVE BIGGER
PROBLEMS! I was pregnant.
3. I
went to my mom's gynecologist. I had a Subchorionic hemorrhage, got a early
amniocentesis and the ultrasound test for fetal nuchal translucency was
4. I
was taking 18 credits at NJCU in Jersey City, working at a bakery, dog sitting
and in the Coast Guard Reserve. I never planned on having kids or at least yet.
5. I
worked at the bakery, went to school and still went to drill for the CG but had
to do desk work there till the week before Amelia was born. I told my doctor do
not induce me I have finals to finish
My micro programming professor was freaked out that I was in his and told me,
"Do not come to school, me don't want no baby in my classroom!" In
his thick Indian accent. He was a great guy and I got an A. Two of my other
professors in my major had delivered babies and were excited to see what was
going to happen. I did not want to get to know them that well.
already could not fit in the desk with the attached chair. At least I was not
the only one, the big guys couldn't either so I felt a little better.
7. I
went in for an appointment two days before my due date and my doctor sent me to
the hospital because I was 1 cm dilated. When I got there they said he just
wants her out before christmas.
8. I
was given pitocin for 2 days in the hospital because I was not dilating, was
having contractions regularly and finally after being in the hospital from
Wednesday at 2pm, Amelia was born healthy on Friday at 10:14pm We came home
Christmas morning.
We had moved to a new apartment from a 3rd floor to another 3rd floor and did
the move ourselves.. we were exhausted when we were done but apparently not
exhausted enough to not do the deed lol I guess exercise and tiredness helps
conceive? I sort of knew we had conceived Liara when we did.. I just knew it in
my heart. 5 weeks later, no period and a positive pregnancy test told me I was
2. I
didn't have any pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester except for being
tired and I absolutely couldn't stand my then fiance's breath! YUCK! We barely
kissed my whole pregnancy lol
3. I
got to see our first major ultrasound on my 25th birthday!! YAY! What an
amazing birthday present that was. My little blip looked like skeletor lol and
then I got to share the pics at my birthday dinner that night with friends. It
was a very special day!!
We had to move again the weekend of my wedding because the current location
didn't want to have a baby in the house and I just didn't want to deal with
them anymore. What a freaking wreck that was because I could barely help this
time! It's hard to give up control..
5. I
got married in my 6th month. We were going to do it in town hall but the mayor
had the town's parade scheduled after the ceremony and we were running 15 minutes
late. When I got there.. my mom said he left. He apparently couldn't wait 15
minutes to perform our marriage. I was sooooo pissed. Luckily, my friend Dan
had always bragged about getting ordained online and that he could legally
perform marriage ceremonies. In the middle of the parking lot, in my wedding
dress, I called and asked if he would come meet us at the local park to perform
our wedding. We split up our parties (men vs women) so the groom couldn't see
the bride and went to get breakfast while we waited for Dan. I couldn't have
asked for a better ceremony. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, the pictures
came out so beautiful and love was just floating all around me in the sun shiny
air. It will for sure be a day I will never forget!
6. I
had sooo much energy in my 2nd trimester that I wanted to try to exercise
again. You really couldn't tell I was even pregnant the entire time if you
looked at me from behind. It started raining out and my windows were open in
the car so I went to go run like a kid in the rain to my car.. got there fine..
closed the windows. When I went to run back, my leg literally just stopped in
it's tracks and it felt like my hip froze and just wouldn't move my leg forward
at all but my body kept going forward in motion and as if I was going in slow
motion my brain registered that I was going down... I threw my hands out in
front of me and landed on my hands and knees and tumbled to my left side. I sat
there for a second completely shaken and then started balling. I crawled up the
front step to my house and sat on the stairs and started screaming for Brian.
He took me upstairs and bandaged me up like a little kid. I was just crying my
eyes out and he was taking care of my skinned knees and hands. Everything was
fine with me and the baby but it was suuuuch a scare that I didn't exercise for
the rest of my pregnancy and was careful walking everywhere I went.
7. I
didn't have air conditioning in my car and I had an hour+ drive to/from work
everyday up until a week before my due date in 100+ degree heat during the
summer. *sigh* I'm hot just thinking about it.
8. 1
week past my due date everyone was telling me to keep having sex and walk
around a whole lot to induce.. I walked every minute of every damn day and all
I got was exhausted and swollen. And when we had sex, it broke my water somehow
so I had to be induced 24 hours later. I wanted so badly to wait for my
contractions to start on their own but they just wouldn't. So 1.5 weeks past
due I was induced at 10am.. had regular contractions until 8pm where I just
couldn't take it anymore and asked them to check me because I just had to know
that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately for me, there
wasn't because I hadn't dilated past 2cm but had effaced 100% so to me that was
a death sentence lol I had to have the epidural. They came and gave it to me
and I was able to sleep until 4am when I started feeling the pain again. They
wouldn't give me anymore meds for it and said the doc had to check me. He
checked and I was 9.5cm's and he just wanted me to go a little longer before
pushing. I waited an hour and started pushing.. pushed harder than I ever
thought I could and not in the position I wanted to.. I was on my back but I
was so exhausted that I couldn't say anything about it and just went with it..
I had an oxygen mask on because I felt faint and at 5:19am Liara was born! She
had meconium so they took her from me for 2 minutes while they suctioned her
airway. She was cutest little ball of muck I ever saw. Haha I couldn't believe
she was mine.. it felt unreal. She was so beautiful.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
December's Big Play
Wow! That is where I am starting. What an amazing way to end 2013's big plays!
Let me give you the run down of all that happened this past Thursday! We had our usual ride on toys that are always a hit but combined it with boxes of every shape and size. There was stacking and knocking down, filling and emptying, and my favorite: babies in boxes! To add to the holiday spirit Emily N brought free books for the picking and Suzanne brought a menagerie of toy animals to chose for adoption. Many momma's brought goods for the food drive to be donated. As if that wasn't enough, Busy Bag groups met up to exchange their activities. This was really a terrific turn out and a marvelously fun day! Thanks to everyone!
Let me give you the run down of all that happened this past Thursday! We had our usual ride on toys that are always a hit but combined it with boxes of every shape and size. There was stacking and knocking down, filling and emptying, and my favorite: babies in boxes! To add to the holiday spirit Emily N brought free books for the picking and Suzanne brought a menagerie of toy animals to chose for adoption. Many momma's brought goods for the food drive to be donated. As if that wasn't enough, Busy Bag groups met up to exchange their activities. This was really a terrific turn out and a marvelously fun day! Thanks to everyone!
Busy Bag Exchange December 2013
Nothing feels better then being prepared! With a little one tagging along, sometimes that's easier said then done! Colleen organized a busy bag exchange that pooled the creativity and resources of many moms. Participating moms made 8 of the same activity and left with 8 different activities for their little one. There were two groups, one older and one younger. I was in the younger group and here's what I walked away with.
1. Suzanne's mystery milk jug monster: this striking little guy in filled with different objects for matching and sensory play.
More milk jug ideas
Owen thinks he's a great new pal. |
2. Danielle's counting activity: match up counting pieces with picture cards
3. Wendy's Popsicle stick puzzles: easy for little hands to hold, there are 5 different pictures to create
4. Emily's Pom Pom stuff it: thank goodness these directions were provided.
5.Britney's color match plates: 3 plate colors with many objects to sort color ls where they belong
6. Colleen's pizza playtime: a wonderful felt set with dough, sauce and toppings for a variety of sensory, counting, and creative play
7. Marie's dynamic disks: many paper disks with slots for stacking and patterns for matching
8. Lorna's wooden coin memory game: simple pairs of pictures to match or play memory with
I was super impressed with everyone's product and creativity. Also, I am thrilled to be prepared for a time when ideas run thin and energy runs high! Thanks to Colleen and the gang for an awesome busy bag exchange!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Christmas Party: Jingle all the way!
Suzanne surely decked the halls for all of us to come and join in a whole lot of holiday cheer. It was a real pleasure to see mommies, babies, and husbands in their holiday best! Little ones played to their hearts content with many wonderful toys and musical instruments while the grown ups had fun with a holiday favorite the "white elephant" gift exchange. Some highlights included a pink velour running suit opened by Emily MS's husband and a hysterical gift wrapped in multiple boxes opened by Colleen. My censor prevents me from revealing such things, what happens at white elephant stays at white elephant! Perhaps you can find persuade someone who attended to tell you about it with a little eggnog and fruit cake.
There was certainly no shortage of merry making, joyful noise, or delicious holiday fare. If you didn't make it, you were certainly missed and I hope you can enjoy these photos.
There was certainly no shortage of merry making, joyful noise, or delicious holiday fare. If you didn't make it, you were certainly missed and I hope you can enjoy these photos.
making merry music |
Owen really liked Steve and demanded a snuggle. |
Henry waves his magic wand to make white elephant gifts disappear |
Suzanne got the coveted number spot in the gift exchange. |
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Feeling the Felt!
Today Marie is hosting her second felt crafting play date! At the last one ladies worked on a playmat for cars with roads, rivers, and trees. Today the focus has turned from planet to plate as theme has become "felt food!" What a great way to reinforce good eating habits by bringing food into play time!
Leave it to Marie to bring us such creative and yummy play time! Her
home made necco wafers cut into letters on Halloween were adorable and I
am still dreaming of the cheese crackers she made! They were far
superior to any cheezit I've ever had.
The materials! |
The play mat |
Materials for play food |
A couple of sunny side up eggs! |
New toy in action! |
They "felt" the love. |
Little pea pods. |
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